
Help Secures the BAG

The very foundation of a FAMILY starts with 1 man and 1 woman building together.  But living in a generation where relationships are for the weak that concept is only perceived by a few. These ho's for everybody, we ballin' no budgets 😉  and living our best single lives... but are we really? Lets talk about WEALTH for a second.  According to a report by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis "married" men are earning much more money, on average, than anyone else in America. Just look at some of the most prominent men in America: Warren Buffett, Barack Obama, Mark Zuckerberg, and Jay Z, they're all married.   Everybody wants to be rich, but who actually took the time out research what it takes to get there?  Granted you can be hella successful on your own, but how many of you know that two is greater than one?  For decades cross-sectional studies have been done on the correlation between wealth level and marital status.  Studies show that married...

Major Moves

If you're anything like me, then you know the struggles of finding your way through college.  Being the first in my immediate family to attend college was definitely a learning experience.  I had no clue what I was doing, I just went with what felt right.  I decided to share my experience with you all in hopes that we could somehow make the transition a little smoother for the next generation.  I didn't need anyone to hold my hand per say but a little guidance definitely goes a long way. So here goes, initially I chose my major based off what I liked which was computers at the time.  I didn't know what I wanted to do with computers, I didn't do any research on undergraduate majors, which schools offered what majors or any of that I was just flying blind y'all.  I knew I wanted to go to USC-Columbia but fell in love with USC-Aiken once I went on a visit to the campus.  I sat through the Computer Engineering program brief and quickly realized that it w...

Second Chances

"Life is always presenting you with second chances because this is where the  magic happens." I am a firm believer that second chances are not given they are earned.  But I must say that has not always been my way of thinking.  Like many others, I was quick to say I do NOT give second chances period!  None of my ex's deserved it, fake friends were really enemies in disguise, and quite frankly I don't want anything back that I've had before... I know I am not the only one lol.  Its so easy to say what you won't do when you're mad or upset, but when you've given yourself time to calm down things can and do change.  Most of the time all it takes is for two people to put aside their differences and have an "adult" conversation without all the hollering and profanity to get to a place of mutual understanding.  Trust its not an easy task and I am still am a work in progress but it is possible.  I have come to realize that nothing is worth your ...

Grad Szn

If you know someone who recently graduated high school make sure you continue to support them because, they will need you now more than ever.  No matter what path they have chosen upon completing High School this transitional period can become very overwhelming. For many students going off to college or joining the military will be the first time they have ever been away from home for an extended period of time.  For some, this will be the first time they will have to get their own food, wash their own clothes, rely on an alarm to get up on time, find transportation to and from so on and so forth.  All of the things that their parents did for them that they took for granted now lie in the palm of their hands, and its called "responsibilities."  Its a lot to think about and to look forward to, but the experience is very rewarding. People tend to leave out certain details when talking about their first experience away from home.  We all have heard about how grea...

Take care of YOU

As a woman how often do you find that you put the needs of others before yourself, especially if you're a MOTHER? We will go in a store with the intention of getting ourselves something but will still end up purchasing something for our kids instead. Its ok, lol we're all guilty of it but treating yourself really should be a necessity.  As women we give so much of ourselves til we often times neglect to replenish our minds, bodies, and spirits & we need that balance.  Even simple gestures can go a long way after a long hard week.  Welch conducted a study of 2000 moms with children ages 5-12 which concluded that on average an American Mother works 98 hours per week.  That's like 2 full time jobs plus OT, how do we function?  So many of us work full-time, go to school, take care of kids, cook, clean, do laundry, help with homework, go to afterschool activities, doctor appointments, have a spouse to please and the...

Black History, OUR History!

What are we teaching our kids about Black History? African Americans or Blacks have endured one of the greatest forms of oppression by having our entire identity stripped away from us.  Our people were reprogrammed to the American way of life and as a result we will spend the rest of our years trying to find ourselves. So where do we start? Who do we turn to? Of course there is no definite answer however just taking the initiative to make researching our history a priority is giant leap in the right direction.  Especially since they black history is no longer included in schools lesson plans. We have to teach our kids about pre and post slavery events because there is more to our people than the struggle and oppression displayed in the media.  We have to be truthful yet gentle and reassure our youth of all the great accomplishments of our people.  Honestly I think the easiest thing to start with is using something or someone relev...

Healthy Relationships

Healthy relationships are important for ones well-being. We were created with "relationships" in mind if you take into consideration the creation of Adam and Eve. As easy as it is to explain what a relationship is, why do we find it so hard to build "healthy" relationships? Simply put r elationships are the way in which 2 or more people are connected. There are social, physical, emotional, professional and romantic relationships just to name a few. But when it comes to romantic relationships people find it most difficult to define. In today's society being in a romantic relationship is almost considered to be foreign. Side chicks are glorified, a baby mama will always be a fall back option, and just because he/she is married does not mean they are off limits to some. Saying it out loud sounds harsh but we must live in our truths. Our generation has lost sight of what is morally right or completely wrong.  It is sad to say but situationships are...