Major Moves

If you're anything like me, then you know the struggles of finding your way through college.  Being the first in my immediate family to attend college was definitely a learning experience.  I had no clue what I was doing, I just went with what felt right.  I decided to share my experience with you all in hopes that we could somehow make the transition a little smoother for the next generation.  I didn't need anyone to hold my hand per say but a little guidance definitely goes a long way.

So here goes, initially I chose my major based off what I liked which was computers at the time.  I didn't know what I wanted to do with computers, I didn't do any research on undergraduate majors, which schools offered what majors or any of that I was just flying blind y'all.  I knew I wanted to go to USC-Columbia but fell in love with USC-Aiken once I went on a visit to the campus.  I sat through the Computer Engineering program brief and quickly realized that it was just way too much math for me.  So then I decided that I would be a business major and become a manager.  No you don't have to have a degree (in most cases) to be a manager but its the field I chose.  Anywho, I was excited, real nervous but still excited.

I looked over the program requirements for Business Administration and saw Chemistry, Biology, Finance, and the oh so dreadful Accounting.   One thing I came to realize is you really CANNOT run from MATH, no matter which way I turned math was there 😩.  I ended up falling in love with my major, and I learned so much that I probably wouldn't have learned anywhere else.  Needless to say, I made it through those four years at USCA and graduated with a Bachelors of Business Administration in Management.  It wasn't an easy task by far and there are many things that I would have done differently if given the chance, but all's well that ends well.

Although, I wish I had done more research when it came to college majors, college courses, financial aid ect. because of my experiences, I now know how to better prepare my children.  Honestly we need more schools and community programs that provide more information and assistance about opportunities after high school.  I don't want to say the public school system failed us but I needed more from the guidance counselors than I received.  As parents we must do our part as well.  Challenge your kids, nieces, nephews cousins or whoever to research different jobs, their requirements, and their pay scales.  There are so many more opportunities that I now know exist that I wish I had known then because there is not telling what other options I could have explored.

Nurses, Doctors, Teachers, Policeman, Lawyers, Preachers are all very common and yes we need those type of people, but what about Neuro-scientist, Brokers, Oncologist, Developers just to name a few.  Like we really need to get out there and tap into unknown areas.  There is so much more to see and experience out here and many of us fail to reach our full potential due to lack of exposure.  Whatever you can do to EXPOSE the youth to bigger and better things by all means go for it.  Your actions just may make a difference in that child's life!!


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