Black History, OUR History!

What are we teaching our kids about Black History? African Americans or Blacks have endured one of the greatest forms of oppression by having our entire identity stripped away from us.  Our people were reprogrammed to the American way of life and as a result we will spend the rest of our years trying to find ourselves. So where do we start? Who do we turn to? Of course there is no definite answer however just taking the initiative to make researching our history a priority is giant leap in the right direction.  Especially since they black history is no longer included in schools lesson plans.

We have to teach our kids about pre and post slavery events because there is more to our people than the struggle and oppression displayed in the media.  We have to be truthful yet gentle and reassure our youth of all the great accomplishments of our people.  Honestly I think the easiest thing to start with is using something or someone relevant and recent to them for instance President Barack Obama.  Sometimes things are easier to understand when you start with current information. Also attend African American events, national monuments or parks, museums and anything else you can think of to make learning exciting. Remember for every negative piece of information shared be sure to follow up with a positive note.

I love the fact that we are slowly reshaping the view of OUR people! Finally getting the recognition we so justly deserve.  Just look at the movies for instance with films like Hidden Figures, Get Out, and Black Panther just to name a few recent ones.  Just last month 10 women called GirlTrek hiked the underground railroad (a 100-mile trek) in just 5 days. Use these types of events as conversation starters with your kids.  What I love most about this idea is that not only will it teach our kids but it will continue to increase our knowledge as well and we all know knowledge is power!

Be Unapologetically BLACK!


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