Second Chances
I am a firm believer that second chances are not given they are earned. But I must say that has not always been my way of thinking. Like many others, I was quick to say I do NOT give second chances period! None of my ex's deserved it, fake friends were really enemies in disguise, and quite frankly I don't want anything back that I've had before... I know I am not the only one lol. Its so easy to say what you won't do when you're mad or upset, but when you've given yourself time to calm down things can and do change. Most of the time all it takes is for two people to put aside their differences and have an "adult" conversation without all the hollering and profanity to get to a place of mutual understanding. Trust its not an easy task and I am still am a work in progress but it is possible. I have come to realize that nothing is worth your peace of mind and besides, "Life always offers second chances its called TOMORROW!" Each day that we are allowed to open our eyes gives us the opportunity to start fresh and make that day better than the one before.
Just thinking about all the things that we do within a 24 hour period and God forgives us for every single sin. You mean to tell me we that can't forgive a person for just one wrong doing? Are we that much better than our creator? I think not... No, I'm not saying get back in that toxic relationship or start back hanging around the wrong crowd, but when you see the person that angers you and your heart starts racing and you start to sweat, just let it GO. You have already given that individual way too much power and they most certainly are not entitled to it. Your PEACE should not be disrupted! I look back at broken friendships where we fell out over something petty and here we are years later looking at each other thinking wow, we were/are better than that. Some people go years without speaking but is a silly argument really worth losing someone you love? Ephesians 4:32 says, "be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you." Even outside of religion do we not owe one another kindness, compassion, and forgiveness? Simple things, especially IF the person did not intent to harm you.
Forgiving someone does not mean you forget, but you learn to identify what hurt you and how to best cope with it. You control who and what enters your life. If it brings negative energy block it out, protect YOU at all costs, but do not harden your heart because you refuse to simply forgive!
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